Viewing 5 Endpoints for cdrouter_firewall_100-wan

Address Packets Bytes Tx Packets Rx Packets Tx Bytes Rx Bytes Country City AS Number AS Organization Latitude Longitude 262206 14945948 131076 131130 7078104 7867844 United States Ashburn 14618 AMAZON-AES 39.0469 -77.4903 262220 14952140 131137 131083 7870406 7081734 Japan 2907 Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Informatics 35.69 139.69 6 360 6 0 360 0 18 6372 6 12 3540 2832 Japan 2907 Research Organization of Information and Systems, National Institute of Informatics 35.69 139.69 2 180 1 1 90 90 United States Ashburn 14618 AMAZON-AES 39.0469 -77.4903
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